
My work


I launched my professional career in 2006 as a System Engineer at Amity ICT Solutions. Before i started at Amity I had a couple of small IT related jobs, including an internship at PCS.

In 2011 i made my next step in my professional career by joining Serac Applications. After 7 years of hard work, a lot of projects and a great time i made the switch to the Ministry of Justice.

There I joined the Specials and Innovation team at SSC-I. This team specialized in Innovation, the adoption of new technologies and projects that were 'out of the ordinary'.

In 2021 i made another big step by joining Pimarox Infrastructure Solutions! From here I will be offering my services to numerous companies and the Dutch government.

Want to know more about my work history and some of the projects I've done? Don't worry, I'll be adding more information soon!

Current project

What project am i working on now

At the moment i am working an a project for the RIVM; the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment.

The RIVM is committed to a healthy population living in a healthy, safe environment. To this end they conduct research, collect and apply knowledge.

Here i will be working on the migration of one of the larger applications for the gathering of nitrogen information and management.

See AERIUS for more information.